Why I'm Shifting My Business: What I've Learned


Personal Styling Branding Business

Real talk: I can’t style the whole world.

Maybe that sounds obvious to you, but it has come as a surprise to me since launching my business.  If you know me personally, or through these blog posts, you may have gathered that I am a very ambitious person. I launched my business and was ready for, yes, the whole world to get Styled by Serena!

Flash forward a few months to me overwhelmed and carrying a lot of weight on my shoulders. 

If there’s one thing I know (besides style), it’s entrepreneurs. We business owners share a passion. We want to help others. We want to spread to the world about the things we make or do, because these things make our lives better. We have the key, or at least a part of it, to improve others’ lives in some way. We put ourselves out there and just hope someone will appreciate our thing, whatever it is. But if you don’t have someone specific to help, guide, give to, serve, speak life into, you might find your business stagnating, stressing you out, boring you, maybe even falling apart altogether.

My industry is no different. Fashion stylists, consultants, and coaches want to serve anyone and everyone--any person who needs a style upgrade. “Upgrade” is the key word. We don’t just want people to look amazing, we want people to feel amazing, to feel upgraded in every aspect of their lives. I see the gratification in my colleagues and mentors as they give their clients the gift of style and help clients rediscover themselves. Yes, rediscover. We all know who we are at our core, but sometimes that gets lost in the distractions and demands of our lives, which is where a stylist comes in--excavating like an archaeologist and finding our true, core selves.

The fact of the matter is: I can style anyone. But so can every other stylist in the world. It’s what we love to do! The hard realization for me has been that if I try to market to everyone, I’m serving no one.

Serve one not a million

I had to do some digging, some self-archaeology, and ask myself: who are the people I am most passionate about serving right now? Where can my gifts be best utilized, and by whom? Lightning struck in the realization that I love helping fellow women entrepreneurs, creatives, and professionals. I have found the passion within me, where it was always waiting to be released; I have cracked that passion wide open.

For me to serve well, my passion must be my motivator and mission. (Perhaps you fellow entrepreneurs and creatives can relate.) I can’t be everyone’s stylist.  But, I can and will be your Style Brand Expert. I will help you align your personal style to your brand. Whether you need an entirely new wardrobe that speaks to your brand, a few choice no-brainer/go-to outfits for meetings with clients, or you need a stylist for your marketing photoshoot, I’m your girl!

Entrepreneurs are literally “the women of many talents.” We are constantly learning and maintaining all the things within our businesses. The last thing you need is a panic attack on the day of your photoshoot for your website, the local news, or Forbes magazine. Certainly, if you have a feature in Forbes magazine, or even aspire to, you should know what to wear, and I can help you with that. I’ve got you covered so that you can enjoy your journey, opportunities, and success without fashion-related meltdowns. I want you to be so confident and assured that you don’t even have to think about what to wear. I’m your fashion fairy god-mother.

For more information on how to work with me and align your clothes to your brand, click here.

Talk to you soon,


1 comment

  • Pat Gardiner

    I love it!!! It’s a great “godmother” move to help those who need to be out there and put together for their jobs!! It’s perfect !! You are a fantastic stylist!!

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